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Extra Side income & the Zero-Based Budgeting method

Important Disclaimer: The content of this article is intended to convey general information. It should not be relied upon as financial advice.

Looking for ways to organize your monthly spending and earnings? The budgets you plan aren’t working? Looking for a side hustle to make extra money? Then maybe your answer is to better plan and adjust your budget, and you can do it with Media Rewards survey app and the Zero-based Budgeting method (ZBB).

Check out how the Zero-Based Budgeting method is a great option when it comes to organizing your monthly budget, and how the rewards and extra side income you can get from Media Rewards paid surveys can add up to your list as an extra side income.

In a nutshell, Zero-Based Budgeting is a budget method that consists of allocating every part of your income (including your extra side income) to an expense. The biggest advantage of this method? There is small or no room for unnecessary expenses, which will make your financial life much more organized. For example, if you earn $4,000 a month, your expenses should be exactly $4,000. How? Keep reading and discover how Media Rewards survey app will help you.

Listing your income

First, take a notepad and a pen, and write down all your income (the main job income, small side hustles, and the extra side income you earn with Media Rewards’ sweepstakes and paid surveys, or any other source of income).

Now that you have listed all your sources of income, you should allocate the corresponding amount for each item on your list.

  • Salary – $1,700
  • Media Rewards Earnings – $50
  • Freelance Side Job – $250


List of your expenses

After listing your income, it is time to list all your monthly expenses. 

Similarly to the process you did with listing your income, the same should be done with the expenses, so this means that each expense should have a fixed number. 

  • Rent – $700
  • Food/groceries – $300
  • Savings – $150
  • Debt – $200
  • Entertainment – $200
  • Health insurance – $100
  • Miscellaneous – $100


Image of Media Rewards Survey App & the Zero-Based Budgeting method example

Once you are finished, you should have a total amount of $0 left. This means, for example, that after completing your list, if you have a certain amount of money left, it is time to allocate it to a certain category. At Media Rewards, we are all about savings and good deals, so this extra number would then be fit for the “Savings” category.

What the Zero-based budgeting method, organizing your finances, and Media Rewards Survey app have in common

Having a Zero-Based Budgeting doesn’t mean ending your month with zero dollars in your bank account. On the contrary, it means that all your earnings are correctly allocated and that unnecessary spending is less prone to happen.

Also, the “Miscellaneous” category would then be used for unexpected spending. For example, if your car breaks down, and you need to pay the mechanic to fix it up.

By using the Zero-Based Budgeting method, you will have more control over your finances. Additionally, you will better visualize your income and expenses while enjoying more of your time with things you enjoy.

Media Rewards survey app has premium paid surveys and holds monthly prize draws, allowing you to have an extra side income. With these, you can extend your budget for the “entertainment” category or anything else rocking your boat. Check where you can use our gift cards and get inspired.

Looking for more ways to organize your finances? Don’t miss our blog articles on “The 70-10-10-10 Budget Method” and “ The 30-Day Rule Method “.

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